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Overdrive MR-300

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It's the Only Harmonica of Its Kind

Years in the making, the amazing new
Overdrive Harmonica is so unique, it even
has a special patent to protect its incredible

Precisely placed holes in the top and bottom
of this harmonica allow you to produce thick,
rich and beautiful over-blow and over-draw

Although players have been bending notes
for more than a century, it has only recently
been discovered that when you draw bend,
it is the BLOW reed that makes the bent note.

Conversely, when you blow bend, it is the
opposite blow reed in the same air channel
that makes the bent note. With a little practice,
the new Overdrive Harmonica will let you blow a
nd draw notes with greater control and much
bigger volume than any harmonica you've ever

Comes with deluxe carrying case.



1st position - used when you would like
to play a melody or play along with a song
using the diatonic harmonica that is in the
same key as the key of the song.

2nd position - used to play styles blues,
rock, or country.
Note the gray column the song in D use a 
G Harmonica

3rd position - also used to play blues and
rock styles.
If the key for the Song is Am then use a 
G Harmonica
€ 69.-
Stock status: In Stock
Stock status: Not available
Stock status: N/A, please make all options first

Lagerstatus: Not available

Are you an amateur, professional or a novice?
You can find everything in THE ACCORDIONARY!


Centrumvägen 26
52170 Åsarp



+46 (0)515 505 05


Opening Hours Shop 

Thursday: 13.00 - 16.00 hrs    
Friday: 13.00 - 16.00 hrs    
Saturday: 11.00 - 13.00 hrs    
An other time / day by appointment

You will find Åsarp at the Road 46 between Falköping and Ulricehamn,
in the Province: Västra Götaland.